Static arm-gcc
2016-02-22 14:11:32 UTC
Hi All,

Does linaro distributes arm-gcc as a pre-built static tool chain
distribution? If yes, where can i download them from. Please point me some
location from where i can download.
Thanks & Regards,
M.Srikanth Kumar.
Jim Wilson
2016-02-22 19:44:03 UTC
Post by $***@nth
Does linaro distributes arm-gcc as a pre-built static tool chain
distribution? If yes, where can i download them from. Please point me some
location from where i can download.
We (the toolchain group) don't build and release static toolchains.
And we don't build native arm/aarch64 toolchains. We only build cross
compilers for linux and windows. They can be found here

Other parts of Linaro build and release linux distros, and you can
find native compilers built from our compiler sources in those linux
distros. These compilers aren't static either, and they presumably
only work as part of that distro.

If you want a static native compiler for some other distro, you would
have to build it from source, possibly as a cross build if you
currently don't have any native compiler.

2016-02-23 02:18:36 UTC
Thank you Wilson.
Post by Jim Wilson
Post by $***@nth
Does linaro distributes arm-gcc as a pre-built static tool chain
distribution? If yes, where can i download them from. Please point me
Post by $***@nth
location from where i can download.
We (the toolchain group) don't build and release static toolchains.
And we don't build native arm/aarch64 toolchains. We only build cross
compilers for linux and windows. They can be found here
Other parts of Linaro build and release linux distros, and you can
find native compilers built from our compiler sources in those linux
distros. These compilers aren't static either, and they presumably
only work as part of that distro.
If you want a static native compiler for some other distro, you would
have to build it from source, possibly as a cross build if you
currently don't have any native compiler.
Thanks & Regards,
M.Srikanth Kumar.