[ACTIVITY] Weekly report for week 36
Thomas Preudhomme
2018-09-05 15:13:11 UTC
=== Work done during this 3-day week ===

* TCWG-1428 (Support arithmetic on FileCheck regex variable):
+ continue to rework patch, feature complete and most testcase pass
+ sent another external email to hammer a few details
* Arm new starter welcome and related faff
* GNU Tools Cauldron + travel from Thursday to Sunday

=== Plan for week 37 ===

* TCWG-1428 (Support arithmetic on FileCheck regex variable):
+ fix last bugs, start testing and cleanup
* Try to reproduce perf issue mentioned in week #30's weekly report on
latest perf
Peter Smith
2018-09-07 17:26:04 UTC
[Linaro Connect]
- Wrote my presentation for the official track (on using Clang
libtooling and ASTMatchers)
- Started working on hackroom presentation on profile guided
optimisation in LLVM.

In both cases writing a presentation on something you don't know much
about forces you do a lot of learning.

Plans for next week:
- Finish hackroom presentation.
Spare time will be spent on reviews and llvm/clang bugs
