[ANNOUNCE] Linaro GCC 6 2016.07 snapshots
Yvan Roux
2016-07-14 15:13:49 UTC
The Linaro Toolchain Working Group (TCWG) is pleased to announce the
2016.07 snapshot of Linaro GCC 6 source packages.

Linaro GCC 6 monthly snapshot[1] is based on FSF GCC 6.1+svn238201 and
includes performance improvements and bug fixes backported from
mainline GCC. This snapshot contents will be part of the 2016.08
stable[2] quarterly release.

This snapshot tarball is available on:

Interesting changes in this GCC source package snapshot include:

* Updates to GCC 6.1+svn238201

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[1]. Source package snapshots are defined when the compiler is only
put through unit-testing and full validation is not performed.

[2]. Stable source package releases are defined as releases where the
full Linaro Toolchain validation plan is executed.
