[ACTIVITY] 27 - 31 July 2015
Omair Javaid
2015-08-03 22:12:58 UTC
== Progress ==

LLDB development
-- Setup lldb test debug environment for testing failing tests on
chromebook. [1/10]
-- Debug various lldb hang scnarios on chromebook for armhf support
[TCWG-855] [4/10]
-- Figure out alternate fix for http://reviews.llvm.org/D11129.
[TCWG-855] [3/10]

Miscellaneous [2/10]
-- Fix chromebook malfunction due to battery issues
-- Meetings, emails, discussions etc.

== Plan ==

LLDB development
-- Debug lldb test cases on armhf to figure out problems in
individual test-cases
-- Create an updated lldb development project plan on JIRA.
-- Update collaborate with steps on LLDB development process.
