[ACTIVITY] Weekly report for week 25
Thomas Preudhomme
2018-06-22 15:21:48 UTC
=== Work done during this week ===

* stack-protector failure on GCC ARM: more testing needed
+ rework to introduce new standard pattern including guard's address
computation and make pattern opaque until after register allocation
+ fill in form for new CVE ID and ask feedback on CVE description
* Resume work on extending FileCheck to allow variable with arithmetic
+ created TCWG-1428 to track this work
* Tried to fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH issue with depot build of GNU Arm
Embedded Toolchain
-> need to talk to someone who know better depot module recipes
* Misc:
+ Arm meetings
+ Linaro syncs
+ 1.5 day spent on IT issue (personal investigation to help IT,
blocked on broken system after some IT attempts to solve it)
-> issue finally fully resolved

=== Plan for Linaro week 26 ===

* Do extended testing of stack protector bug fix
* TCWG-1428 (Support arithmetic on FileCheck regex variable): finish patch
Peter Smith
2018-06-22 17:30:13 UTC
[TCWG-1424] Profile guided information code size investigation.
- Wrote up initial findings in Jira
- Have written a pass that works with both the new and old pass
manager that I can use to selectively add size optimisation attributes
to functions.
- Spent way too much time trying to work out where to put the pass in
both the old and new pass manager.
-- I now understand why the new pass manager is required to get the
most benefits of profile feedback.
-- I now understand a bit better some of the frustrations of the old
pass manager.
-- I can see why the new pass manager isn't quite ready yet.
- Fixed up, I think, -fprofile-instr-generate in the new pass manager.
I didn't realise that were two separate instrumentation methods as
-fprofile-generate is subtly different.

- Updated state of sanitizer tests on Arm and AArch64 to enable a PR
to be closed.

Continue reading on narkive: