[ACTIVITY] Weekly report for week 33
Thomas Preudhomme
2018-08-18 21:02:45 UTC
Note: I'll be on holidays Thursday and Friday next week.

=== Work done during 3-day week ===

* TCWG-1379 / GCC PR85434 / CVE-2018-12886: rework needed
+ heavy testing
* TCWG-1337 / LLVM PR34170: get backport to LLVM 7 branch
* create design review for -mfpu=auto option in GAS
-> https://confluence.arm.com/display/CTP/Auto+FPU+for+GNU+as
* Knowledge transfer within Arm
* Misc:
+ GCC Linaro sync
* 2 days off taking care of my feverish child

=== Plan for week 34 ===

* Enable regression testing of Linaro release process
* TCWG-1428 (Support arithmetic on FileCheck regex variable): address
+ continue to rework patch
* TCWG-1379 / GCC PR85434 / CVE-2018-12886: rework needed
+ investigate aarch64 glibc regression
* Try to reproduce perf issue mentioned in week #30s weekly report on
latest perf
