[ACTIVITY] 19 - 23 November 2018
Diana Picus
2018-11-23 13:58:29 UTC
== Progress ==

# Monday off

# [LLVM-479] Check current status of GlobalISel
- Looked into new patterns that can be selected by TableGen and
forked LLVM-481 and LLVM-482 out of that
- Ran a test-suite and a selfhost with GlobalISel and had a look at
the fallbacks

# [LLVM-481] [ARM GlobalISel] Test BFC
- Committed upstream

# [LLVM-482] [ARM GlobalISel] Enable CLZ
- Most of the work is done, ready to commit next week

== Plan ==
Wrap up LLVM-482 and LLVM-479
Fork more stories out of LLVM-479
